Prayer Requests

I’m new here in Anderson, and new to the church I intend to join, but I went in search of a prayer chain associated with the church and there was none.  As I have immediate need of prayer for two people, I have decided to add a prayer request capability to this website.

If you or anyone you know has need of prayer, leave whatever details you want in a comment at the bottom.  If you are unable to leave a comment because the site requires registration,  send your request to .  That is me under my ex-married name.  That email box is empty and has been for a long time so anything you send there, I will notice right away.  I will transfer the information to this post.  If this post gets too long, I will put up a new, fresh one.  As I add new articles, this post will travel down the list on the right….but it will always be there….just like Jesus.

The image above is borrowed from another blog.  According to the image name, the young person praying is Landis.  Bless him.  (

For those of you who pray for others, please pray over the ones listed.

April 25, 2016:  J.T. next door; R.L. from Ingles Hwy 24.;

April 26, 2016:  ST from E.J.; A.T.; Mr. and Mrs. S.; N.M. at B-H; Jay; S. and T.; Sandra; H.C.;

April 27, 2016: Bruce Creel; Laurie and her children; the new cook and the staff at the Huddle House on exit 14; the two gentlemen and the family with the precious baby at the H.H.; the safety of Chris and the crew of Asplundh;

April 28, 2016: Jerry; Ann;

May 3, 2016:  Jerry Bruce; Taylor and Wesley; the Nigerian refugees

May 7, 2016: Duane Allen; Irene Lofton;

May 8, 2016:  Tom the fireworks salesman and his fiancee

May 18, 2016:  The lovely ladies in the rose garden; the baby; J & A; Sh;

May 20, 2016:  Heather; my neck;

What are Your thoughts?