How to Win the War

The enemy is not a race of people. The enemy is not a religion. The enemy is not an ethnic group, a nationality, the government, a political party, a football team, or species of dog. The enemy is the evil one, his minions, and people who have bought into his propaganda.

When you hate, fear, get discouraged, doubt, study and/or spread propaganda about conspiracies you are giving your power to the evil one.

The only way to fight and resist the evil one is to strengthen your connection to God and to focus on Him constantly.

Do what you must to reconcile yourself to God; rid yourself of issues that block your ability to be close to God.  Purge yourself of resentments, insults and injuries, memories, abuses, diagnoses, and negative, limiting labels.

Forgive yourself and others.  Clean your slate, clear your plate, and unblock your spiritual connection to God.  If anything comes up, give it to Jesus in His Name and with the Blood of the Lamb.

Re-read “Don’t Hate. Just Don’t.”

Practice the Presence of God.  Re-read the piece on the teaching of Brother Lawrence on how to Practice the Presence of God….and do what it says.

Dwell on what is good and pure.

Strengthen your faith.

If you find yourself fearful, angry, discouraged, confused, doubting, or dwelling on past issues, give them to Jesus and go back to Practicing the Presence of God.

The battle is a spiritual one.  The evil one’s power is Spiritual.  Our defense must be Spiritual.  Giving in to negative thoughts and feelings gives him power.  Dwelling on God takes power away from the evil one.

Amassing weapons will not protect you.  Stockpiling food will not protect you.  Focusing on propaganda, conspiracies, and terrorist activities will increase your fear, stress, discouragement, anger, and a tendency to hate.  Crush the evil one by focusing your energy…your thoughts and intentions on God:  Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Purity, trust, faith, obedience, humility, reverence…these attitude, practices, and postures protect you.

Spending your time and energy trying to be ‘wise, informed, shrewd, and prepared’ positions your heart too close to responding with anger, hate, and fear.  Don’t go there.  Align yourself with True Power:  Almighty God, His Son, and His Holy Spirit.

Trust.  Believe.  Have faith.  Be faithful.  Fight for the Good Side by giving your energy to, and getting your energy from, God.

May God bless you.  And to God be the Glory.

(Addendum, six or seven hours later:  Do not let the confident tone of this post mislead you; what I am recommending here is HARD.  Within minutes after posting this message, I began receiving news of disasters with my family members, friends, business partners, acquaintances, and fellow bloggers.  I responded with the expected anger, discouragement, and disappointment in my own lack of strength and resolve.  But I realize now that our success is not what is required but our persistence….our resolve.  I just told a friend that every time I fail to do what I have recommended here and stop and pick myself back up, hand my failures over to Jesus, and turn again to God, I give another slap to the face of the evil one, or as Brother Lawrence says, crush his head.  Every time.  A slap is a slap.  A crush is a crush…every time.  Don’t lose heart.  Keep it up.  Give it to Jesus and turn back to God.  A slap is a slap.  Thanks be to God.  Pray for me; I’ll pray for you.  We can do this.)

9 thoughts on “How to Win the War

  1. The truth is real and doesn’t change. Thank you for posting this. I needed it more than you will ever know. The very simple reminders though not easy are what we need.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I agree with the specific actions outlined here. Conceptually we must 1st recognize we are in a war. Then we must recognize our allies and finally our enemy. I believe once our head is clear from the deception of this world we are then able to be trained for battle. Some battles we win other we win but confidence in Christ assures us that we will win the war. Great Post!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Wow! I sent you an email and then just clicked a link with really reading and this is what I got! It’s amazing! Read my email and you will see what I mean! Thank you for these words! Exactly what I was supposed to hear!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. What a wonderful really nailed it,”the weapon of our warfare is not canal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong-holds”

    The only way to fight and resist the evil one is to strengthen your connection to God and to focus on Him constantly.

    Liked by 1 person

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